June 27, 2019
TO: 草榴社区 Human Resources Staff
FROM: Keli Hite McGee, UA CHRO
SUBJ: 草榴社区 Human Resources Transition Updates
As you may know, reporting lines change effective July 1, 2019. With Brad's departure, I will act as 草榴社区 Interim HR Director. I am looking forward to working with you in this new capacity. The goal is to support your work and ensure adequate coverage during the HR redesign transition. Please see the items below:
Reporting Lines
- Administrative, Personnel and Payroll staff will report to Michelle Pope, UA HR Director of Operations
- Consultants will report to Tara Ferguson, UA Director of Classification & Compensation, Interim Director of Labor Relations
- The Assistant Director will report to me
- During the transition, Michelle Pope and I will be available in the Administrative Services building throughout the week.
Weekly Meetings
- LER consultants are required to attend the weekly Labor and Employee Relations meeting every Tuesdays, 1:00-2:00 p.m. Consultants can discuss all pending LER matters and next steps to ensure sufficient coverage.
- Weekly payroll & personnel staff meetings will be facilitated by Michelle Pope to ensure cross coverage for the work required.
- Tara and Erika will set up meetings with the HR Consultants
Please let me know if you have any questions or additional recommendations for the transition. If you need to reach me, the best way is to contact me is by phone at (907) 450-8215 (office).
cc: Daniel M. White, 草榴社区 Chancellor
Julie Queen, Interim 草榴社区 Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services
UA General Counsel
UA HR Directors