OIT's Recharge Rates

FY24 OIT Recharge Center Annual Billing Rates & IT Services

To request any of the services listed below please contact the NTS Service Desk. Customers will be asked for confirmation of department funds/orgs for billing purposes.


This service includes installation, repairs, and restoration to telephone (including voice mail), cable TV or data cabling. This service is billed annually for telephone equipment rental, dial tone, support, and network infrastructure. This service is billed monthly for moves, additions and changes.

Technician Labor (Internal)  $80/hour
Technician Labor (External)  $110/hour
Voice Services (Annual Charge)  
Analog Line (Credit Card, Fax)  $219
2500 Analog Single Line Phone $269
VOIP 2-Line Gb Phone  $269
VOIP 6-Line Gb Phone  $295

Long Distance Service (Monthly flat-rate charge from provider for domestic long-distance service)
Starting in FY20, itemized long-distance billing is no longer received from the service provider. Instead there is a flat rate shared between the three MAUs, resulting in significant cost savings for the University. Long-distance charges are incorporated into the overall annual phone charge.


Data Services (Annual Charge)
Network Infrastructure 

Note: FTE count is based on HR Banner data and includes full-time & part-time employees.



Website design and consulting services as well as application design and/or development. This service is billed based on ad hoc requests through the NTS Service Desk.

Website Design/Consulting & Application Design/Consulting $80/hour


This recharge center provides two levels of storage services (with or without backups) and two levels of server/database administration for department-owned server(s) as well as backup and maintenance of department owned server(s). For servers, rack space, database administration or extended storage a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with OIT can be organized through the NTS Service Desk. Storage, rack space, servers and database services are billed annually, typically in August. A storage capacity 鈥減ull鈥 done at the beginning of the fiscal year is used for storage billing.

Storage (based on availability):
Billed per gigabyte (GB)
Tier 1 (SSD Storage, No Backups): $0.65/GB
Tier 2 (SATA Storage, Backups Included):
Backups are retained for 1 month, longer retention times will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis.
Rack Space/Server hosting (via SLA):  
Internal Rate  $65/unit
External Rate $120/unit
Servers (via SLA):  
Physical Server (no new servers will be added) $1,500/server
Virtual Server (2 CPU, 8 GB RAM, 40 GB Storage)  $350/server
Virtual Server add-ons:  
Additional CPU (if over 2 CPU)  $40/CPU
Additional RAM (if over 8 GB RAM) $5/GB RAM