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Large Animal Research Station (LARS)


Building name: LARS

Date EAP Adopted: October 1, 2015

Date EAP Revised: May 1, 2023

EAP Prepared by: David Mattox (Updated by Ron Standlee-Strom)

As a building occupant, you should be familiar with your building's Emergency Action Plan (EAP). Read it carefully. If you have any questions consult your supervisor or the Office of Emergency Management (OEM), at 907-474-5284, 草榴社区-OEM@alaska.edu, or visit the website at .

Keep the following in mind as you read through the EAP.

  • Understand evacuation routes, exit points, and where to report for roll call after evacuating the building.
  • Know when and how to evacuate the building.
  • Note locations of emergency supplies and materials that may be needed in an emergency (i.e. pull alarms and first aid kits).
  • Know proper procedures for notifying emergency responders about an emergency in the building or work area.
  • Identify key personnel and additional responsibilities (i.e. roll-takers).
  • Understand fire hazards.
  • Minimize potential exposure to hazardous materials or processes in and around the work area.
  • Understand the means of protecting yourself in the event of an emergency (i.e. shelter in place and 'run-hide-fight').

Table of Contents

I. Department and Building Information ............................. 3
Building name
Building coordinator
Employee accountability and procedures after evacuation
Critical operations found in the building
Medical and rescue duties


II. Emergency Procedures ............................................ 6
Immediate emergency notification
Emergency notification procedures
Evacuation procedures
Fire procedures


III. Emergency Preparedness ......................................... 9
Training and documentation


IV. Acknowledgment ........................................... 9



I. Department and Building Information

General Building Information

Building name: LARS

Building address: 2220 Yankovich Road

Building coordinator: Sarah Barcalow

Building coordinator telephone number: 804-291-7340

Description of building: The Large Animal Research Center comprises 134 acres, with a centralized handling facility, equipment for large animal restraint, a laboratory, a metabolic research building, state of the art classroom, feed and bedding storage units, offices, and living quarters.

Departments in the building: Large Animal Research Center


Emergency Assembly Locations:

Inside assembly location: Wash House

Outside assembly location: Central Picnic Area

Roll-takers, Supervisors, or Floor Managers

Sarah Barcalow 804-291-7340

Ron Standlee-Strom 907-888-8003 

Thomas Cable 575-642-0740

II. Emergency Procedures

In the event of an emergency contact the emergency dispatch center by dialing 911 from any university phone. All campus phones and payphones have 911 access. Emergency phones are marked with blue lights and are located around campus.

Non-Emergency Phone Numbers:

草榴社区 OEM: 907-474-5284

草榴社区 Fire:

草榴社区 Police: 907-474-7721
(Rural Campus students refer to local municipal police and fire department information.)

草榴社区 Facilities Services: 907-474-7000

EHSRM: 907-474-5413

草榴社区 Emergency news and information about events affecting normal 草榴社区 operations:

Recorded hotline: 907-474-7823

Alerts: http://uafalert.alaska.edu

Emergency Notification Procedures:

When you call 911 from a campus location to request emergency assistance, you will be connected to the Emergency Dispatch Center. Call from a safe location and remember to:

  • Stay calm
  • Be prepared to answer the following questions:
    • Where is the emergency located? (be specific)
    • What is the emergency? (fire, medical, hazardous materials, etc.)
    • How did it happen?
    • Who are you? (your name and contact number)
  • Gather any information that may be useful for the emergency responder. (i.e. are there any injuries involved?)
  • Do NOT hang up until instructed to do so by the dispatcher.

Evacuation Procedures:

All building occupants are required to evacuate the building when the fire alarm sounds. Immediately exit the building from your locations and move quickly to the emergency assembly locations.

Evacuating the Building:

  • Stay calm: do not rush or panic.
  • Gather personal belongings if it is safe to do so. (Reminder: take prescription medications out with you if at all possible; it may be hours before you are allowed back in the building).
  • Immediately evacuate the building using the nearest exit (or alternate exit if it is blocked).
  • Do NOT use elevators, if the building has elevators.
  • Wait for and follow directions given by emergency responders.
  • Go to the emergency assembly location.
  • Do not leave the assembly area until your status is reported to your supervisor, roll-taker, or other designee.
  • Do NOT reenter the building or work area until you have been instructed to do so by the emergency responders.

Your Emergency Responsibilities

  • Stay at your desk
    • In the event of a minor disturbance (medical emergency, power outage, etc.) there is no need to leave your work area or building
  • Shelter in place
    • There are a few occasions or events that would cause personnel to shelter in place during an emergency. For example, the release of a hazardous chemical may require students, staff, and faculty to remain in place and take measures to protect themselves. All personnel should know the proper precautions and measures to take in such an event.
    • If you must 'Shelter in Place' Go inside. Close and lock all doors and windows. Shut off any heating or cooling systems and close fireplace dampers. Gather people and pets in your shelter room and seal windows, doors, and vents. You can refer to 草榴社区 on Alert (https://uafalert.alaska.edu/) for further instructions and an 鈥渁ll clear鈥 order.
  • Evacuate
    • If the evacuation/fire alarm goes off, you are required by law to leave the building. Please grab your personal belongings, if it is safe to do so, and go to the emergency assembly area.

Accountability Procedures After Evacuation:

In the event of a fire emergency signaled by the building alarm system, all occupants will promptly exit the building by the nearest exit. Once clear of the building, all occupants will go to the designated emergency assembly location and immediately report to the roll-taker, supervisor, floor manager, or other designee. Roll-takers or the identified designees are responsible for accounting for each employee assigned to that designated emergency assembly location and will conduct a headcount. Every building occupant is responsible for reporting to the designated roll-taker or designee so an accurate head count can be made. The roll-taker or designee will report accountability to the on-scene incident commander and/or the 草榴社区 incident management team at the Emergency Operations Center.

Critical Operation Found in Building

Employee name: Attending Veterinarian (or designee), Sarah Barcalow, Ron Standlee-Strom

Location (room number where the employee will be during the emergency): Various areas

Critical operation: Attend to animals. 

Special Considerations:

Lars is a 130 acre farm housing animals in multiple pens and pastures. Because animals are housed at this facility, a discussion needs to take place at the Emergency Assembly Area concerning the type and severity of the emergency and how/if the animals will be affected. Re-entry may be necessary once emergency personnel are consulted. If the facility cannot be made suitable/safe and animals cannot be moved to a suitable/safe location, the Animal Resources Center staff may need to humanely euthanize some or all animals.

What to do if an emergency occurs during an animal procedure? 

Most animal procedures at LARS are performed in one of the research barns or adjacent pens. Always let the veterinary staff know if a procedure was interrupted. Once the emergency is over and people are allowed back into the facility the veterinary staff will make an assessment of the animal(s). 

Minor Procedures. 

Minor procedures are minimally invasive procedures that may or may not involve physical or chemical restraint. This includes, but is not limited to: weighing, blood sampling via venipuncture or catheter, skin biopsy, ear tagging, insertion of PIT tags, and injections (subcutaneous, intramuscular, or intraperitoneal).

In the event of an emergency immediately abort the procedure and, if the animal is awake and if it is safe to do so, move the animal from the barn to a nearby holding pen.

Major Procedures Including Surgery. 

  1. You will need to make a determination regarding the stage of the procedure or surgery. 
  2. If the surgery has not yet started follow the minor procedures guidance.
  3. If a surgical procedure has been started or is nearing completion and no vital structures are exposed you may simply evacuate. Once people are allowed back into the facility the veterinary staff will assess the animal and determine the appropriate care. 

If a surgical approach has been started (open body cavity or vital structure is exposed), if possible and it is safe to do so, perform a rapid closure using staples. If conditions are unsafe for personnel or a rapid closure is impossible, then the animal must be euthanized and everyone must evacuate the building. 

Appropriate forms of emergency euthanasia must be discussed with and authorized by the attending veterinarian when preparing the research proposal.

Use of oxygen at time of emergency. 

  1. If the emergency involves the area you are in then immediately leave the area and evacuate the building. Do not waste time turning anything off. 
  2. If the emergency does not yet involve your area then close the regulator for the oxygen tank before leaving the room. 

Medical and Rescue Duties

University Fire Department has been designated to perform all medical and rescue duties.

No LARS employees have been assigned medical or rescue duties specific to emergency situations.

Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Information:

An AED is a portable device that checks the heart rhythm and sends an electric shock to the heart to try and restore a normal rhythm.

Location(s) of the Automated External Defibrillator (AED): LARS Gift Shop - during summer tour season; Klein House - during tour off season.

Alertus Beacon Information:

Alertus Beacons and computer desktop pop-up notifications flash and sound to capture the attention of building occupants at a distance, and display a custom message from University Dispatch about the nature of the emergency and the appropriate response.


Building Alarm Information:

All buildings are equipped with an alarm system to alert occupants of the detection of fire and/or smoke. There are also unique alarm systems in some buildings that will alert employees and occupants of a hazardous situation.


III. Emergency Preparedness


Training is an integral part of safety awareness. All employees and students should be trained on the Emergency Action Plan (EAP). Each occupant should become familiar with the EAP, know evacuation routes and assembly areas, and attend training(s) given by the building coordinator. As a supplement to the training, information is posted in the buildings to ensure all occupants and guests can safely exit during an emergency.


Drills: Each building and department should designate a method to practice evacuation procedures to ensure that all building occupants are accounted for in case of an emergency. This should include rehearsing evacuation methods for both inside and outside emergency assembly locations.

Additional information (if any provided)


I have read the EAP and know what to do during a building emergency.

Name: ______________________________________________________

Signature: _____________________________ Date: ________________

UAID#: ________________________________