Sheri Layral
312 Signers' Hall
474-7964 FYSENAT
For Audioconferencing: Bridge #: 1-877-751-8040
(Passcode: 523297)
Fairbanks: 474-8050
(Chair's Passcode: 628337)
Monday, December 11, 2000
1:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Wood Center Ballroom
1:30 I Call to Order - Larry Duffy 5 Min.
A. Roll Call
B. Approval of Minutes to Meeting #97
C. Adoption of Agenda
1:35 II Status of Chancellor's Office Actions 5 Min.
A. Motions Approved:
1. Motion to amend Section 3 (Article V:
Committees, Permanent) of the Bylaws.
2. Motion to approve the M.A. degree
program in Cross-Cultural Studies.
3. Motion to delete the Ed.S.
B. Motions Pending:
4. Motion recommending that the "Guidelines
for the Evaluation Process for
Administrators" be adopted.
1:40 III A. Remarks by Chancellor M. Lind 10 Min.
B. Remarks by Provost P. Reichardt 10 Min.
2:00 IV Governance Reports
A. AS²ÝÁñÉçÇø -S. Banks / GSO - 5 Min.
B. Staff Council - S. Culbertson 5 Min.
C. President's Report - L. Duffy 5 Min.
(Attachment 98/1)
2:15 V Consent Agenda
A. Motion to amend the BBA degree requirements,
submitted by Curricular Affairs (Attachment 98/2)
2:15 VI New Business 15 Min.
A. Motion to replaced the existing Dual Enrollment
policy with a new Secondary Student Enrollment
policy, submitted by Curricular Affairs (Attachment 98/3)
B. Motion to approve a M.S. degree program in
Statistics, submitted by Graduate Academic &
Advisory Committee (Attachment 98/4)
2:30 VII Committee Reports 15 Min.
A. Curricular Affairs - R. Illingworth (Attachment 98/5)
B. Faculty Affairs - P. McRoy (Attachment 98/6)
C. Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee - J. Gardner
(Attachment 98/7)
D. Core Review - J. Brown
E. Curriculum Review - S, Bandopadhyay
F. Developmental Studies - J. Weber
G. Faculty Appeals & Oversight - G. Chukwu
(Attachment 98/8)
H. Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement -
T. Robinson (Attachment 98/9)
2:45 ***BREAK*** 10 Min
2:55 VIII Public Comments/Questions 5 Min.
3:00 IX Discussion Items 10 Min.
3:10 X Members' Comments/Questions 5 Min.
3:15 XI Adjournment
DECEMBER 11, 2000
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 16:48:56 -0900
To: Faculty Colleagues
From: Richard Hacker, Academic Liaison Faculty Fellow
Subject: 1)RR/Pipeline Planning, 2)BP/Phillips $$, 3)ITC
Here are several pieces of information that may be of interest to you.
1) The president is very eager to have a meeting of appropriate
faculty to prepare for the potential role the University may be able to
play in the planning and building of a railroad extension and a gas
pipeline. Because of his urgency, he asked the SAC to recommend
faculty from all 3 MAUs to Jim Johnsen who is arranging the first
meeting. If you have questions, address them to Jim at
2) The president discussed the BP/Phillips money with the Board of
Regents and proposed certain principles for the expenditure of those
funds. He has indicated that he will provide an update to the Alliance in
the near future. What follows are the president's remarks to the BOR:
The Charter Agreement between the State of ²ÝÁñÉçÇø and BP/Phillips
provides that the University of ²ÝÁñÉçÇø Foundation will receive 30% of
BP/Phillips charitable giving each year in ²ÝÁñÉçÇø for as long as they
produce oil here. The dollar amount of this contribution to the
Foundation will vary with production and price, but estimates range from
$2.5 million to over $4 million per year. The first contribution will be
made on December 6 in Fairbanks.
I have given a great deal of thought to the question of how best to use
these funds for the benefit of the University and the state. We simply
must get this one right. So, I have looked for guidance from the vision
document produced by the Board of Regents at its retreat last year,
from the chancellors and the SAC, as well as many of the university's
finest faculty. While it is premature to chart out precisely how this
funding will be used, I'd like to share with you now the general approach
that I believe best serves our interests.
First, the principles that I believe ought to guide the program. The
program should:
* seek to produce excellence in whatever it supports,
* be aligned with the general focus areas of university direction
and growth,
* not duplicate what other funding sources are available to
* stress interdisciplinary activity,
* support a mix of activity with short, mid, and long term benefits,
* not be locked up or placed in some sort of "permanent fund,"
* leverage other funding,
* increase the extent to which the university is immeshed in the
fabric of the state, and
* add to the university's capacity to assist the state with its most
important challenges.
3) Several faculty have expressed an interest in having a faculty
presence on the system wide Information Technology Council (ITC). The
suggestion has already been presented to Steve Smith and Mike Sfraga.
The topic will also be on the agenda for the next Faculty Alliance
meeting on December 15.
Even thought the next meeting of the ITC will occur before the
Faculty Alliance can take formal action on the matter, I will be attending
the December 7 meeting as the Academic Liaison Faculty Fellow and will
report to the Faculty Alliance on the 15th.
DECEMBER 11, 2000
The ²ÝÁñÉçÇø Faculty Senate moves to amend the Bachelor of Business
Administration degree requirements to the following:
[[ ]] = Deletion
CAPS = Addition
All majors must earn a "C" or better in all Common Body of Knowledge
courses, department-specific general requirements, major specific
requirements, and specific math and statistics requirements.
Core Curriculum Requirements 38-39 credits
B.B.A. Degree Requirements 82-85 credits
Complete the following in addition to the core:
MATH 161 Algebra for Business and Economics 3 credits
(Math 262 should be taken to complete the
mathematics requirement for the core.)
Social Science and Statistics (10 credits):
STAT 200 Elementary Probabilities and Statistics 3 credits
ECON 200 Principles of Economics 4 credits
ECON 227 Intermediate Statistics for
Economics and Business 3 credits
Common Body of Knowledge (31-34 credits):
AIS 101 Effective Personal Computer Use
Or Demonstrated Computer Literacy 0-3 credits
ACCT 161 And 262 Accounting Concepts & Uses 6 credits
AIS 310 Introduction to Information Systems 3 credits
BA 325 Financial Management 3 credits
BA 330 Legal Environment of Business 4 credits
BA 343 Principles of Marketing 3 credits
BA 360 Production/Operations Management 3 credits
BA 390 Organizational Theory and Behavior 3 credits
BA 462 Corporate Strategy 3 credits
ECON 324 Intermediate Macroeconomics or
ECON 350 Money and Banking 3 credits
Major complex* at least 27 credits
Minor complex** (optional) 15 credits or more
Electives 11 or more credits
Minimum credits required for degree 123 credits
Of the above, at least 39 credits must be taken in upper division (300
level or higher) courses.
*Departmental requirements for majors may exceed the minimum
indicated. Specific requirements are listed in the Degrees and Programs
section of the catalog.
**Requirements for minors may exceed 15 credits. Specific
requirements are listed in the Degree and Programs section of the
EFFECTIVE: Fall 2000
Upon Chancellor's Approval
RATIONALE: Changes are a result of a proposed new course
(AIS 316) and is contingent upon approval of AIS 316.
DECEMBER 11, 2000
The ²ÝÁñÉçÇø Faculty Senate moves to replace the current High School
Enrollment Policy with the following:
High School Students
²ÝÁñÉçÇø offers three opportunities for high school students to enroll in
university classes: dual enrollment, the AHEAD program and TECH PREP.
For information on these programs please contact your high school
guidance counselor or the ²ÝÁñÉçÇø Admissions counselor phone (907) 474-
7500 or (800) 478-1823, or web
Dual Enrollment
The dual enrollment program allows high school students to register for
²ÝÁñÉçÇø classes. This program is open to the following:
* High school seniors with a GPA of 2.5 or above may register for two
classes for a maximum of six credits.
* High school seniors with a GPA of 2.0 to 2.5 may register for one
* High school juniors with a GPA of 2.75 or above may register for one
* All other students are encouraged to contact the director of
Admissions for information on course enrollment at ²ÝÁñÉçÇø.
*High school students may enroll in vocational and developmental
courses, depending upon program requirements, after obtaining
approval signatures from their parent (guardian), high school official, the
instructor of the class, and the appropriate university program
Pick up a Dual Enrollment Application Form (valid for one semester)
from your high school counseling office. You must file an application for
each semester you wish to attend.
Note: enrollment in ²ÝÁñÉçÇø courses through the Dual Enrollment program
does not constitute admission to the university.
Secondary School Students
²ÝÁñÉçÇø offers three opportunities for secondary students to enroll in
university classes: secondary student enrollment, the AHEAD program,
and TECH PREP. For information on these programs please contact your
high school guidance counselor, your local rural campus, or the ²ÝÁñÉçÇø
Admissions Office, phone (907) 474-7500 or (800) 478-1823, or web
Secondary Student Enrollment
The secondary student enrollment process allows secondary students to
register for ²ÝÁñÉçÇø classes. A student meeting course prerequisites may
enroll in university courses with permission of the instructor.
Secondary students must consult their appropriate school district
officials and school counselors prior to registration for approval if they
wish to use university courses to meet high school graduation
Registering for courses at ²ÝÁñÉçÇø establishes a permanent academic record
that will reflect student academic performance in all courses attempted.
Note: enrollment in ²ÝÁñÉçÇø courses as a secondary student does not
constitute formal admission to the university for the purposes of
earning a certificate or degree.
AHEAD Program
Remains the same.
TECH PREP Opportunities
Remains the same.
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
RATIONALE: This motion clarifies the process necessary
for the enrollment of secondary students into courses
at ²ÝÁñÉçÇø and removes obstacles from students who are
eager to learn. Additionally, it allows us to treat
these students the same way we treat older students
who just sign up for a course or two. Streamlining this
process will serve to encourage participation by secondary
students who would profit from ²ÝÁñÉçÇø courses. There are
no changes to the AHEAD Program or the Tech Prep
DECEMBER 11, 2000
The ²ÝÁñÉçÇø Faculty Senate moves to approve a M.S. degree program in
EFFECTIVE: Fall 2001 or
Upon Board of Regents' Approval
RATIONALE: See full program proposal #40 on file in
the Governance Office, 312 Signers� Hall.
Executive Summary
M.S., Statistics
To properly manage the State's renewable and non-renewable resources
and advance scientific enquiry requires the careful application of
statistical methods. The creation of a master's program in Statistics at
the ²ÝÁñÉçÇø Department of Mathematical Sciences (the only such master's
program in the State of ²ÝÁñÉçÇø) will help supply locally trained
biometricians and consulting statisticians for employment in ²ÝÁñÉçÇø.
The Department of Mathematical Sciences at ²ÝÁñÉçÇø has successfully run
an interdisciplinary master's program in applied statistics for five years,
and seeks only to formalize the program. The creation of a master's
program in Statistics will thus incur no additional costs, while the
program will supply University researchers and State agencies access to
highly qualified graduate students in Statistics.
The Masters in Statistics is meant to prepare students for careers in
applied statistics. Graduates of the program could be labeled
quantitative biologist, biometricians, quantitative geologists,
geostatisticians, psychometricians, epidemiologists or mathematical
statisticians, depending upon their specific coursework. As an
organizing principle of the program, we will ensure that all students
meet the requirements of successful employment as a biometrician for
the ²ÝÁñÉçÇø Department of Fish and Game and will qualify for the State of
²ÝÁñÉçÇø's Biometrician register. In addition, this program will prepare
students to enter a Ph.D. program in Statistics.
The program combines core courses in statistical theory with elective
courses in statistical methodology. In addition, each student will take
electives in one or more of mathematics, biology, fisheries, wildlife,
geology, forestry, marine sciences, economics or other applied sciences.
Doctoral students in these areas may pursue the Masters in Statistics
simultaneously. The program is intended to take two academic years to
complete. It is designed to work especially well as a joint program for
Ph.D. students in the sciences.
This program has been a successful interdisciplinary graduate program
since its inception in 1996. The ten graduates of the graduate program
have all been successful in obtaining employment.
DECEMBER 11, 2000
Curricular Affairs Committee Meeting Report - Ron Illingworth, Chair
The Curricular Affairs committee held audioconferenced meetings on
October 25, November 8, November 22, and November 29, 2000. Our
next meeting is scheduled for December 6, 2000.
All meetings will be audioconferenced as well as face to face as several
members of the committee are from outside Fairbanks.
We continued addressing prioritized issues from our list of issues for
discussion this year.
Issue 1: Course prerequisites � are they accurate and valid in the
catalog and can they be enforced?
Old Status: The Registrar's office has devised a memo which will
be sent to each department and which will identify the prerequisites for
each course listed in the catalog. Departments will be requested to
verify the validity and accuracy of these prerequisites. Their input will
be returned to the Registrar's office and the catalog updated.
Then, during registration, the Registrar's office will run a program
which will check a student's records with the prerequisites listed for the
course. Students will not be restricted from classes solely on the basis
of this computer generated sort. However, questionable areas will be
identified to the instructor for resolution before the beginning of the
class. This process will be beta tested in the Engineering Department
before implementation.
New Status: The listing has been sent to all departments for
review and verification.
Issue 2: Status of formation of BAS oversight committee.
Status: This committee of the Faculty Senate has not yet been
formed. In its place several ad hoc committees are attempting to guide
the development of the BAS. This operation seems to be occurring
outside of Senate intentions. Senate leadership intervention appears to
be necessary to either change the Senate position or to bring these ad
hoc committees together under Senate leadership.
New Status: Dormant activity. Overcome by more pressing issues.
Issue 3: Institutional integrity in the area of course offerings shown
in the catalog
Status: Two different lists have been produced; one by Institutional
Research and one from the Registrar's office. There are differences
between the two lists.
The Registrar's list will be provided, with a cover memo, to the College
and School Deans for their distribution to their departments. The listing
contains courses which may be subject to consideration for
removal/elimination based on their not having been offered since 1997.
This will be an expedited process outside of the normal course approval
process. However, all recommendations will be reviewed by the
Curriculum Review Committee prior to any removal/elimination action.
New Status: This listing has been provided to Deans and Directors
and is in the process of being reviewed and returned.
Issue 4: Transfer credit meeting core requirements for the AAS.
Status: A draft proposal is being created and will be presented at
the next meeting of the Curricular Affairs Committee on 25 October,
2000. Existing policy covers the bachelor's degree but does not
address students who possess a bachelor's degree from another
institution and come to ²ÝÁñÉçÇø to acquire an AAS.
New Status: Draft being developed by Advising Center.
Issue 5: Minor student enrollment in University courses
Status: This is a carry-over from last years discussions. The
committee is agreed to the need for clarification of this policy. A draft
will be presented at the next Curricular Affairs Committee meeting on
25 October, 2000. Policies affecting both dual-enrollment and the
AHEAD program are being reviewed.
New Status: Proposal for modification approved by committee and
forwarded to Senate for consideration.
Issue 6: Proposed change to degree requirements
Status: Several degree changes were reviewed and approved with
minor corrections as necessary. Submitted to Senate for consideration.
Issues Pending: Several new degrees will be forwarded from the
Curriculum Review Committee for our discussion at our next meeting.
DECEMBER 11, 2000
Date: 16 Nov 2000
Committee Members Present: C.P. McRoy (chair), M. Davis, J. Wiens
Visitors: N. Swazo, J. Leipzig
Old Business:
1. Term Faculty Promotions:
J. Leipzig (Dean, CLA) initiated a discussion on the promotion of
instructors and bipartate faculty. The basic issue is how to promote
people in this category. Can the dean do it without any other process?
Dr. Swazo suggested that this is really an issue of salary increase rather
than titles. Dr. Weins pointed out that it would be bad policy to
promote instructors to "professor rank" titles without a terminal degree
in the field. The question of whether this is a policy or contract issues
was discussed. Some consideration of research faculty could also be
involved in the issue. The issue remains on the FA agenda and Dr.
Leipzig will revisit the committee next semester with more information.
No action was taken at this time.
2. Research Integrity (P. McRoy / N. Swazo)
Dr. Swazo provided new information on this issue. He recommends that
an ad hoc sub-committee be formed to examine the status of
compliance with federal regulations concerning ethics in research.
Proposed members are Duffy, Swazo, McRoy, DeLaca and Neumayr.
This will be an agenda item for Administrative Committee meeting in
3. Sabbatical Leave Policy (J. Weins)
Dr. Wiens distributed the section of the CBA concerning Sabbatical
Leave (16.6). The CBA clearly indicates that the University grants a
sabbatical leave as a privilege rather than a right. Faculty should
interpret this accordingly. Further interpretation of responsibility for
compensation associated with a sabbatical leave is being sought from M.
4. Research Faculty (McRoy)
Other business:
1. Department Chair Policy (suggested by the Provost)
The Faculty Senate Policy on Department Chairs was adopted last year.
During a recent workshop held by the Provost for department chairs one
of the participants raised the issue of the extent of authority of the
Chair over faculty assignments. The Policy is ambiguous about this.
The Faculty Affairs was concerned that the assignment of a Department
Chair to a supervisory role would affect their status in UNAC. The issue
is forwarded to the Admin Committee for possible action.
2. Faculty Hire Procedures (McRoy)
Some faculty members have raised comments over the procedures
involved in search committees and hiring. Apparently new rules are in
place that are being enforced by the Equal Opportunities Office.
Dorothy Jones will be invited to the next Faculty Affairs meeting to
enlighten us.
DECEMBER 11, 2000
Graduate Academic and Advisory Committee - Jim Gardner, Chair
GAAC met November 15, 20, and 27, 2000: those attending the
various meetings were Gimbel, Eicken, Kan, Mason, Murray, Lincoln, Lin,
Sankaran, Konar, Richmond, Gregory, and Gardner.
All meetings focused mainly on proposals for new/change Graduate
courses and programs. The committee will meet again on December 4,
2000, to finish reviewing proposals and make final recommendations.
Two other items for the committee, submitted by the Graduate School,
are proposals to review guidelines for the composition of Graduate
Advisory Committees and Regulations for Thesis Preparation. We plan
to review the guidelines for the Graduate Advisory Committees at the
December 4 meeting.
The committee (and their stomachs) especially wishes to thank Joe Kan
for supplying lunch at the November 20 and 27 meetings.
No other business was discussed and the committee adjourned to
lament the oncoming of the solstice.
DECEMBER 11, 2000
Report of the third meeting of the Faculty Appeals and Oversight
Committee (11/16/00) -- Godwin Chukwu, Chair
Present: Godwin A. Chukwu, SME; Victoria Joan Moessner, CLA; Oscar
Kawagley, SOEd; Brian Himelbloom, SFOS/FITC; Ed Husted, CRA; George
Khazanov, CSEM; Mitch Roth, CSEM
Absent: Kristy Long, CRA/ACE; Dennis Schall, SOED; Rick Steiner, SFOS-
MAP; Madeline Schatz, CLA
Old Business:
Minutes of the Faculty Appeals & Oversight Committee meeting of
10/16/00 were approved with minor corrections.
New Business:
The committee discussed the list of Administrators who will be
evaluated under the guidelines approved by the faculty senate and the
chancellor. The list was grouped into two, viz.: according to the
reporting hierarchy of the Administrators.
Group "A" includes those Administrators who report directly to the
Provost. Group "B" includes those Administrators who report directly to
the Chancellor. The University Organizational Chart provided to the
committee by the governance office was used as a guide to establish
the reporting hierarchy of the Administrators.
The committee recommends an amendment to the motion (Attachment
97/6 of ²ÝÁñÉçÇø Faculty Senate #97) "Guidelines for the Evaluation Process
of Administrators". Paragraph/Section 5 should read as follows, with
"additions" bolded and capitalized in italics:
The Ad Hoc Committee will prepare an evaluative summary,
and submit its report to the provost (in the case of evaluation
of Deans and Directors) or to the Chancellor (in the case of
evaluation of the Provost OR ANY OTHER ADMINISTRATORS
Committee shall work as expeditiously as possible in completing
its report and submit it to the Provost or Chancellor by March 15
of the Spring Semester. The report shall be submitted also to
the ²ÝÁñÉçÇø Faculty Senate�s Faculty Appeals & Oversight
Committee for review.
The committee recommends a revision of the current ²ÝÁñÉçÇø
Organizational Flow Chart which is outdated.
DECEMBER 11, 2000
Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement Committee Meeting
Report -- E. Thomas Robinson, Chair
The Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement committee held
its meeting on October 17, 2000 as an audio-conference from 11:30 -
12:30 in the Chancellor's Conference Room. Those present: L. Curda,
D. McLean-Nelson, J. Morrison, E. T. Robinson, A. Rybkin, C. Price.
Absent: B. Butcher, B. Cooper, R. Dupras, J. Collins, and R. Norris-Tull.
Two items were circulated prior to the meeting: minutes of the last
meeting and the agenda.
Joy Morrison reported on the schedule of faculty development activities,
most notably mentoring. The schedule on the Provost�s website is
being followed. Today, this afternoon at 1:00 pm, is the outcomes
assessment of teaching. It was noted that tapes are to be available in
the library for these presentations and CRA will have tapes. In addition
to the outcomes assessment of teaching, the forthcoming
presentations include:
* Rasmuson Library, 10/24
* Seminar on "Copyright in the University Context", 11/7
* Tenure and promotion workshop, 11/7
* How to be a good mentor, 11/9
* How to be a good advisor, 11/14
* How to get your project funded, 11/16
* Martha Stewart, Director of Federal Relations,
on the role of her office, 11/21
* Myers-Briggs Personality Tests, 12/15
It was noted that UAA has a presentation on November 2 and 3 on
education management in higher education.
A discussion and follow-up from the last meeting related to Article 9.
At our committee meeting today, as a follow up to our meeting on
September 26, the following motion was passed:
In relation to the evaluation of Post Tenure Review faculty, the
process of voting at the unit peer review level and at the campus wide
level should be eliminated.
The Post Tenure Review evaluation is for faculty development, not
for a contractual change in status. Article 9.24 of the Memorandum of
Understanding between the University of ²ÝÁñÉçÇø and United Academics
states: "The post tenure review process is generally intended to be a
formative rather than a summative process of faculty evaluation,
focused on faculty development." The elimination of a vote would
facilitate and focus the review on development.
A discussion on the student assessment instruments resulted in a
motion to have the chair send a memo to the Provost. The SAI
administration is quite varied. The memo is attached by reference as it
was given to Sheri.
The next meeting is to be held at 11:30 - 12:30, Tuesday, November
14, in the Chancellor's conference room. It should be noted that the
committee welcomes and invites interested faculty to join the
membership. Contact the governance office (7964) or chair, E T
Robinson at 6526 or