2014-2015 Faculty Senate Meetings
- 2014-15 Faculty Senate Members by Unit (PDF)
- 2014-15 Faculty Senate Directory and Handbook (PDF; 8/30/2014)
- 2014-15 Faculty Senate Committees (PDF; as of October 2014)
- 2014-15 Faculty Senate and Administrative Committee Meetings (PDF; as of 8/30/2014)
- 2014-15 Index of Faculty Senate Actions (PDF)
- Special Program Review (Link to OMB web page for special program review)
- Workshop: Planning Strategically for Promotion and Tenure
- Friday, April 24, 2015 (SpringFest - no classes)
- 10:00 AM - Noon at 109 Butrovich Building (BOR Conference Room)
- Individual Q & A will follow from noon to 1:00 PM
- Hosted by the 草榴社区 Faculty Senate Committee on the Status of Women
- For a downloadable PDF copy of flier, click on picture.
- Faculty Forum to discuss the new proposal to meet the Communication Learning Outcomes
(and replace Oral and Written Requirements)
- Thursday, April 23, 2015 from 1:00 - 2:00 PM
- Media Classroom (340 Rasmuson Library)
- See the proposal online at:
- Informational Handout (PDF)
- Flyer with Details (PDF)
- Special Program Review (Link to OMB web page for special program review)
- UA Summit Team invites your input
- Office of Management and Budget
- Link to (or TSV, for short)
TSV is produced by the UA Office of Public Affairs.
Meeting Information
- Agenda for Meeting #207 (PDF)
- Year End Faculty Senate Committee Reports
- Curricular Affairs Committee (PDF)
- General Education Revitalization Committee (PDF)
- Faculty Affairs Committee (PDF)
- Unit Criteria Committee (PDF)
- Core Review Committee (PDF)
- Committee on the Status of Women (PDF)
- Student Academic Development & Achievement Committee (PDF)
- Faculty Development, Assessment and Improvement Committee (includes ECAI subcommittee report) - PDF
- Handouts / Information Items
- Actions of Meeting #207:
- Motion to approve the 2014-15 degree candidates - Approved
- Resolution to adopt classification system to replace Perspectives on the Human Condition of the 草榴社区 Core Curriculum - Approved
- Motion to amend Faculty Senate committee bylaws - Tabled
- Motion to approve the 2015-16 Faculty Senate meeting schedule - Approved
- Motion to authorize the 2014-15 Administrative Committee to act on behalf of the Senate during summer months - Approved
- Administrative Committee Actions (Summer 2015)
- Minutes of Meeting #207 - Approved at FS Meeting #208 (Sept. 14, 2015)
- Audio Recording of Meeting #207 [MP3, 115 MB]
- Agenda for Meeting #206 (PDF)
- Informational Items and Handouts:
- Updates on Faculty 180 - Marsha Sousa (PDF)
- Textbooks, e-books and the Library (PDF)
- Research Program Review Report (PDF)
- Informational Items and Handouts:
- Actions of Meeting #206
- Motion to approve Department of Journalism Unit Criteria (PDF) - Passed
- Resolution on the Student Code of Conduct (PDF) - Passed with friendly amendment.
- Motion to clarify the DF grading policy (PDF) - Passed
- Motion to update Faculty Senate policy on the academic credit hour (PDF) - Passed with friendly amendment.
- Motion to confirm the Outstanding Senator of the Year (PDF) - Passed
- Motion to affirm election of President-Elect by acclamation (PDF) - Passed
- Minutes of #206 - Approved at Meeting #207
- Audio Recording of Meeting #206 [MP3, 109 MB]
- Agenda for Meeting #205 (PDF)
- 2/26/2015: Page 8 correction made ("consortium" replaced with "center").
- Handouts:
- Textbook Affordability Brochure (PDF, from Matt Erskin, Bookstore manager)
- Actions of Meeting #205
- Minutes of #205 (PDF) - Approved at FS Meeting #206
- Audio Recording of Meeting #205 [MP3, 50MB]
- Agenda for Meeting #204 (PDF)
- UA President Pat Gamble is the guest speaker.
- PowerPoint presentation of FY16 Budget Overview (PDF)
- Handouts and/or Additional Information
- Statement re Concerns about annual assessment of faculty performance (Word .docx) from the Linguistics Program
- Chancellor's Reception for Faculty Senate will be held in the evening on Feb. 2, 2015.
- Link to News-Miner Community Perspectives piece:
- Actions of Meeting #204
- Minutes of #204 (PDF) - Approved at FS Meeting #205
- Audio Recording of Meeting #204 [MP3, 54MB]
- Agenda for Meeting #203 (PDF)
- Handouts and Additional Information:
- 草榴社区 Parking Presentation (PDF)
- Presentation on Faculty Alliance (PDF)
- Link to 草榴社区 Administrative & Support (A&S) Overview and Analysis Report (mentioned in Provost Henrich's comments)
- Links from Academic Advising Center and Student Support Services for information about
Faculty Advisor positions:
- Advising website
- Trio student support services website
- Contact Linda Hapsmith or Ginny Redmond for further information.
- Actions of Meeting #203:
- Minutes of #203 (PDF) - Approved at FS Meeting #204
- Audio Recording of Meeting #203 (MP3, 54MB)
- Agenda for Meeting #202 (PDF)
- Handouts and Additional Information
- Actions of Meeting #202
- Minutes of Meeting #202 - Approved at Meeting #203
- Audio Recording of Meeting #202 (MP3, 52MB)
- Agenda for Meeting #201 (PDF)
- Handouts:
- Honors Program at 草榴社区 - Marsha Sousa (Guest Speaker)
- 10/1/2014 Meeting Minutes for Committee on the Status of Women (PDF)
- Video Clip of Faculty Alliance Testimony (MP4)
- Handouts:
- Actions of Meeting #201 (PDF files)
- Minutes of Meeting #201 (PDF) - Approved at Meeting #202
- Audio Recording of Meeting #201
- Note: Due to sound system problems experienced at the meeting, the recording begins approx. 15 minutes into the meeting (at Chancellor's remarks, section IV.A. on the Agenda).
- Agenda for Meeting #200 (PDF)
- Link to Past Meeting Minutes #199 (May 5, 2014; approved 9/8/2014)
- Actions of Meeting #200
- Minutes of Meeting #200 (PDF, 249KB) - Approved at Meeting #201
- Audio Recording of Meeting 200 (MP3, 51MB)