Acronym & Initialism Glossary
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Acronym | Department or program name |
ABUD | Agency Budget |
ACCAP | 草榴社区 Center for Climate Assessment & Policy (草榴社区) |
ACEP | 草榴社区 Center for Energy & Power (草榴社区) |
AFES | Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station |
AHRB | Arctic Health Research Building |
AKA | Akasofu Building |
ANKN | 草榴社区 Native Knowledge Network |
ANLA | 草榴社区 Native Language Archive |
ANLC | 草榴社区 Native Language Center (草榴社区) |
ANLP | 草榴社区 Native Language Program |
ANSEP | 草榴社区 Native Science & Engineering Program (UAA/草榴社区) |
AON | Arctic Observatory Network |
AOOS | 草榴社区 Oceans Observing System |
AP | Accounts Payable |
ASC | Admin Services Center |
ASF | 草榴社区 Satellite Facility (草榴社区) |
AS草榴社区 | Associated Students of the University of 草榴社区 Fairbanks |
AVC | Associate Vice Chancellor |
AVO | 草榴社区 Volcano Observatory (草榴社区) |
Acronym | Department or program name |
BBC | Bristol Bay Campus |
BDO | Blanket Delivery Order |
BiRD | Biological Research & Diagnostics Building (草榴社区) |
BLaST | Biomedical Learning and Student Training (草榴社区) |
BOR | Board of Regents |
BPO | Blanket Purchase Order |
BR | Brooks Building |
BR | Budget Revision |
BUN | Bunnell Building |
BUTRO | Butrovich Building |
Acronym | Department or program name |
CANHR | Center for 草榴社区 Native Health Research |
CARBO | CNSM Academic and Research Business Office |
CC | Chukchi Campus |
CCHRC | Cold Climate Housing Research Center |
CBSM | College of Business and Security Management |
CDE | Center for Distance Education (now called eLearning) |
CEM | College of Engineering and Mines |
CES | Cooperative Extension Service |
CFOS | College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (草榴社区) |
CFWRU | Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (草榴社区) |
CH | Chapman Building |
CIFAR | Cooperative Institute for 草榴社区 Research (草榴社区) |
CLA | College of Liberal Arts (草榴社区) |
CMC | Campus Mail Center |
CNSM | College Natural Science and Mathematics |
CO | Change Order |
COH | Constitution Hall |
CRC | Computer Resource Center |
CIS | College of Indigenous Studies (草榴社区) |
CTC | Community and Technical College |
CTT | Construction Trades Technology |
Acronym | Department or program name |
DDC/FS-DDC | Division of Design and Construction (Facilities Services) |
DSCO | Dining Services and Contract Operations |
DTC | Downtown Center |
DU | Duckering Building |
Acronym | Department or program name |
ECE | Early Childhood Education |
EEO | Equal Employment Opportunity |
EFNEP | Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program |
EHSRM | Environmental Health, Safety and Risk Management |
eLearning | Online courses and distance education |
ENRI | Environment and Natural Resource Institute (UAA) |
EPSCoR | Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (UA) |
EVC | Executive Vice Chancellor |
Acronym | Department or program name |
F&A | Facilities and Administrative Costs |
FA/T | Fine Arts Theatre Complex |
FITC | Fisheries Industrial Technology Center (草榴社区 in Kodiak) |
FML | Family Medical Leave |
FP | Fairbanks Purchase |
FS | Facilities Services |
FS-DDC/DDC | Facilities Services Division of Design and Construction |
Acronym | Department or program name |
GCA | Custodial Services Contractor on Campus |
GCM | Global Change Modeling OR Global Climate Model |
GI | Geophysical Institute (草榴社区) |
GINA | Geographic Information Network of 草榴社区 (草榴社区) |
GR | Gruening Building |
Acronym | Department or program name |
HPR | Harper Building |
HR | Human Resources |
HUTCH | Hutchison Center |
HVAC | Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning |
Acronym | Department or program name |
IAB | Institute of Arctic Biology (草榴社区) |
IAC | Interior 草榴社区 Campus |
IARC | International Arctic Research Center (草榴社区) |
ICP-MS | Inductivity Coupled Mass Spectrometer |
IDeA | Institutional Development Award (part of the INBRE acronym) |
IGERT | Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (草榴社区) |
IMS | Institute of Marine Sciences (草榴社区, part of CFOS) |
INBRE | IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (UA) |
INE | Institute of Northern Engineering (草榴社区) |
IP | Intellectual Property |
IRV | Irving Building |
ISER | Institute for Social and Economic Research (UAA) |
IT | Information Technology |
Acronym | Department or program name |
JV | Journal Voucher |
Acronym | Department or program name |
KPC | Kenai Peninsula College |
KUAC | TV 9 & FM 89.9 - Operated by 草榴社区 |
KuC | Kuskokwim Campus |
Acronym | Department or program name |
LPO | Limited Purchase Order |
LR | Labor Redistribution |
LAB | Bunnell House Early Childhood Lab School |
LIB | Rasmuson Library |
LIVE | Leadership Involvement and Volunteer Experience |
LTER | Long Term Ecological Research |
Acronym | Department or program name |
MAP | Marine Advisory Program |
MAPTS | Mining and Petroleum Training Service |
MAU | Major Administrative Units of the University (SO, UAA, 草榴社区 & UAS) |
MBS | Student residence hall complex: Moore, Bartlett, Skarland and Hess Commons |
MIRL | Mineral Industry Research Laboratory |
MUS | UA Museum of the North |
Acronym | Department or program name |
NRAT | Non-Resident Alien Taxes |
NEON | National Ecological Observatory Network |
NSSI | North Slope Science Initiative (state agency supported) |
NWC | Northwest Campus |
Acronyms | Department or program name |
OFA | Office of Finance and Accounting |
OGCA | Office of Grants and Contracts Administration |
OIT | Office of Information Technology |
OMB | Office of Management and Budget |
ONL | O'Neill Building |
ORION | Observing Radiation in Our North Project |
Acronym | Department or program name |
PACMAN | Pacific Area Climate Monitoring and Analysis Network (草榴社区) |
PBUD | Plant Budget |
PATTY | Patty Building/Patty Ice Center |
PDL | Petroleum Development Laboratory |
PE | Professional Engineer |
PETE | Petroleum Engineering |
PFRR | Poker Flat Research Range (草榴社区) |
PO | Purchase Order |
POP | Period of Performance |
PPA | Personal Payroll Assistant |
PS | Printing Services |
Acronyms | Department or program name |
RAHI | Rural 草榴社区 Honors Institute (草榴社区) |
RAM | Resilience and Adaptive Management (UAA) |
RAP | Resilience and Adaptation Program (草榴社区) |
RBUD | Restricted Budget |
REI | Reichardt Building |
REQ | Requisition |
RHS | Rural Human Services Program |
ROTC | Reserve Officers' Training Corp |
Acronym | Department or program name |
SAC | Cutler Apartment Complex |
SAR | Synthetic Aperture Radar (草榴社区) |
SBO | Signers' Business Office |
SEL | Spatial Ecology Laboratory (草榴社区) |
SHCC | Student Health & Counseling Center |
SIH | Signers' Hall |
SLED | Statewide Library Electronic Doorway |
SMC | Seward Marine Center (草榴社区) |
SNAP | Scenarios Network for 草榴社区 Planning (草榴社区) |
SNRP | Specialized Neuroscience Research Program |
SO | Systems Office of the University of 草榴社区 (formerly Statewide) |
SOAFC | Spirit of 草榴社区 Federal Credit Union |
SOE | School of Education |
SOM | School of Management (transitioning to CBSM) |
SRC | Student Recreation Center |
SSLL | Summer Sessions & Lifelong Learning |
Acronym | Department or program name |
TFS | Toolik Field Station |
TCSO | Travel Customer Service Office |
TTY/TDD | Teletypewriter/Telecommunications Device for the Deaf |
TWEAK | Tsunami Warning System of 草榴社区 (草榴社区) |
Acronym | Department or program name |
UA | University of 草榴社区 System |
UAA | University of 草榴社区 Anchorage |
草榴社区 | University of 草榴社区 Fairbanks |
UAS | University of 草榴社区 Southeast |
UAV | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle |
UPARK | University Park Building |
USDA | United States Department of Agriculture |
USGS | United States Geological Survey |
Acronym | Department or program name |
VC | Vice Chancellor |
VCAS | Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services |
VCR | Vice Chancellor for Research |
VCSA | Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs |
Acronym | Department or program name |
WC | Wood Center |
WERC | Water and Environmental Research Center |
WFB | Wells Fargo Building |
WHIT | Whitaker Building |
WRRB | West Ridge Research Building |