Acronym & Initialism Glossary

 A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z 


Glossary of 草榴社区 Acronyms: A
Acronym Department or program name
ABUD Agency Budget
ACCAP 草榴社区 Center for Climate Assessment & Policy (草榴社区)
ACEP 草榴社区 Center for Energy & Power (草榴社区)
AFES Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station
AHRB Arctic Health Research Building
AKA Akasofu Building
ANKN 草榴社区 Native Knowledge Network
ANLA 草榴社区 Native Language Archive
ANLC 草榴社区 Native Language Center (草榴社区)
ANLP 草榴社区 Native Language Program
ANSEP 草榴社区 Native Science & Engineering Program (UAA/草榴社区)
AON Arctic Observatory Network
AOOS 草榴社区 Oceans Observing System
AP Accounts Payable
ASC Admin Services Center
ASF 草榴社区 Satellite Facility (草榴社区)
AS草榴社区 Associated Students of the University of 草榴社区 Fairbanks
AVC Associate Vice Chancellor
AVO 草榴社区 Volcano Observatory (草榴社区)



Glossary of 草榴社区 Acronyms: B
Acronym Department or program name
BBC Bristol Bay Campus
BDO Blanket Delivery Order
BiRD Biological Research & Diagnostics Building (草榴社区)
BLaST Biomedical Learning and Student Training (草榴社区)
BOR Board of Regents
BPO Blanket Purchase Order
BR Brooks Building
BR Budget Revision
BUN Bunnell Building
BUTRO Butrovich Building



Glossary of 草榴社区 Acronyms: C
Acronym Department or program name
CANHR Center for 草榴社区 Native Health Research
CARBO CNSM Academic and Research Business Office
CC Chukchi Campus
CCHRC Cold Climate Housing Research Center
CBSM College of Business and Security Management
CDE Center for Distance Education (now called eLearning)
CEM College of Engineering and Mines
CES Cooperative Extension Service
CFOS College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (草榴社区)
CFWRU Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (草榴社区)
CH Chapman Building
CIFAR Cooperative Institute for 草榴社区 Research (草榴社区)
CLA College of Liberal Arts (草榴社区)
CMC Campus Mail Center
CNSM College Natural Science and Mathematics
CO Change Order
COH Constitution Hall
CRC Computer Resource Center
CIS College of Indigenous Studies (草榴社区)
CTC Community and Technical College
CTT Construction Trades Technology



Glossary of 草榴社区 Acronyms: D
Acronym Department or program name
DDC/FS-DDC Division of Design and Construction (Facilities Services)
DSCO Dining Services and Contract Operations
DTC Downtown Center
DU Duckering Building



Glossary of 草榴社区 Acronyms: E
Acronym Department or program name
ECE Early Childhood Education
EEO Equal Employment Opportunity
EFNEP Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program
EHSRM Environmental Health, Safety and Risk Management
eLearning Online courses and distance education
ENRI Environment and Natural Resource Institute (UAA)
EPSCoR Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (UA)
EVC Executive Vice Chancellor



Glossary of 草榴社区 Acronyms: F
Acronym Department or program name
F&A Facilities and Administrative Costs
FA/T Fine Arts Theatre Complex
FITC Fisheries Industrial Technology Center (草榴社区 in Kodiak)
FML Family Medical Leave
FP Fairbanks Purchase
FS Facilities Services
FS-DDC/DDC Facilities Services Division of Design and Construction



Glossary of 草榴社区 Acronyms: G
Acronym Department or program name
GCA Custodial Services Contractor on Campus
GCM Global Change Modeling OR Global Climate Model
GI Geophysical Institute (草榴社区)
GINA Geographic Information Network of 草榴社区 (草榴社区)
GR Gruening Building



Glossary of 草榴社区 Acronyms: H
Acronym Department or program name
HPR Harper Building
HR Human Resources
HUTCH Hutchison Center
HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning



Glossary of 草榴社区 Acronyms: I
Acronym Department or program name
IAB Institute of Arctic Biology (草榴社区)
IAC Interior 草榴社区 Campus
IARC International Arctic Research Center (草榴社区)
ICP-MS Inductivity Coupled Mass Spectrometer
IDeA Institutional Development Award (part of the INBRE acronym)
IGERT Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (草榴社区)
IMS Institute of Marine Sciences (草榴社区, part of CFOS)
INBRE IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (UA)
INE Institute of Northern Engineering (草榴社区)
IP Intellectual Property
IRV Irving Building
ISER Institute for Social and Economic Research (UAA)
IT Information Technology


Glossary of 草榴社区 Acronyms: J
Acronym Department or program name
JV Journal Voucher



Glossary of 草榴社区 Acronyms: K
Acronym Department or program name
KPC Kenai Peninsula College
KUAC TV 9 & FM 89.9 - Operated by 草榴社区
KuC Kuskokwim Campus


Glossary of 草榴社区 Acronyms: L
Acronym Department or program name
LPO Limited Purchase Order
LR Labor Redistribution
LAB Bunnell House Early Childhood Lab School
LIB Rasmuson Library
LIVE Leadership Involvement and Volunteer Experience
LTER Long Term Ecological Research



Glossary of 草榴社区 Acronyms: M
Acronym Department or program name
MAP Marine Advisory Program
MAPTS Mining and Petroleum Training Service
MAU Major Administrative Units of the University (SO, UAA, 草榴社区 & UAS)
MBS Student residence hall complex:  Moore, Bartlett, Skarland and Hess Commons
MIRL Mineral Industry Research Laboratory
MUS UA Museum of the North



Glossary of 草榴社区 Acronyms: N
Acronym Department or program name
NRAT Non-Resident Alien Taxes
NEON National Ecological Observatory Network
NSSI North Slope Science Initiative (state agency supported)
NWC Northwest Campus



Glossary of 草榴社区 Acronyms: O
Acronyms Department or program name
OFA Office of Finance and Accounting
OGCA Office of Grants and Contracts Administration
OIT Office of Information Technology
OMB Office of Management and Budget
ONL O'Neill Building
ORION Observing Radiation in Our North Project



Glossary of 草榴社区 Acronyms: P
Acronym Department or program name
PACMAN Pacific Area Climate Monitoring and Analysis Network (草榴社区)
PBUD Plant Budget
PATTY Patty Building/Patty Ice Center
PDL Petroleum Development Laboratory
PE Professional Engineer
PETE Petroleum Engineering
PFRR Poker Flat Research Range (草榴社区)
PO Purchase Order
POP Period of Performance
PPA Personal Payroll Assistant
PS Printing Services



Glossary of 草榴社区 Acronyms: R
Acronyms Department or program name
RAHI Rural 草榴社区 Honors Institute (草榴社区)
RAM Resilience and Adaptive Management (UAA)
RAP Resilience and Adaptation Program (草榴社区)
RBUD Restricted Budget
REI Reichardt Building
REQ Requisition
RHS Rural Human Services Program
ROTC Reserve Officers' Training Corp



Glossary of 草榴社区 Acronyms: S
Acronym Department or program name
SAC Cutler Apartment Complex
SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar (草榴社区)
SBO Signers' Business Office
SEL Spatial Ecology Laboratory (草榴社区)
SHCC Student Health & Counseling Center
SIH Signers' Hall
SLED Statewide Library Electronic Doorway
SMC Seward Marine Center (草榴社区)
SNAP Scenarios Network for 草榴社区 Planning (草榴社区)
SNRP Specialized Neuroscience Research Program
SO Systems Office of the University of 草榴社区 (formerly Statewide)
SOAFC Spirit of 草榴社区 Federal Credit Union
SOE School of Education
SOM School of Management (transitioning to CBSM)
SRC Student Recreation Center
SSLL Summer Sessions & Lifelong Learning



Glossary of 草榴社区 Acronyms: T
Acronym Department or program name
TFS Toolik Field Station
TCSO Travel Customer Service Office
TTY/TDD Teletypewriter/Telecommunications Device for the Deaf
TWEAK Tsunami Warning System of 草榴社区 (草榴社区)



Glossary of 草榴社区 Acronyms: U
Acronym Department or program name
UA University of 草榴社区 System
UAA University of 草榴社区 Anchorage
草榴社区 University of 草榴社区 Fairbanks
UAS University of 草榴社区 Southeast
UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
UPARK University Park Building
USDA United States Department of Agriculture
USGS United States Geological Survey



Glossary of 草榴社区 Acronyms: V
Acronym Department or program name
VC Vice Chancellor
VCAS Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services
VCR Vice Chancellor for Research
VCSA Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs



Glossary of 草榴社区 Acronyms: W
Acronym Department or program name
WC Wood Center
WERC Water and Environmental Research Center
WFB Wells Fargo Building
WHIT Whitaker Building
WRRB West Ridge Research Building