University of 草榴社区 Fairbanks
College of Indigenous Studies (CIS) Academic Council
Academic Council Bylaws
Previously Adopted March 8, 2012
Draft revisions finalized for vote January 15, 2025
(1) Name and Location: The name of the committee shall be the Academic Council of the College of Indigenous Studies, University of 草榴社区 Fairbanks. The office of the council, for the transaction of business, shall be the College of Indigenous Studies(CIS).
(2) Organizational Year: The organization year shall be July 1 to June 30.
(3) Mission: The CIS Academic Council provides academic oversight through a process of shared leadership and governance across departments and programs to ensure students have access to education that is responsive to the community, the workplace, and individual student needs.
(4) Purpose: The purpose of the CIS Academic Council shall be the following:
- Advisory Role: Serve as a voice for faculty governance by acting as an advisory body to the administration on academic matters, including strategic planning and resource allocation.
- Curriculum Oversight: Reviewing and approving new programs, courses, and changes to existing curricula to ensure academic standards and alignment with institutional goals. Chair/Vice Chair participation in the Faculty Senate Curricular Review Committee to advocate Council needs, and/or inform Council of Committee actions.
- Policy Development: Formulating and recommending academic policies and procedures related to teaching, learning, assessment, and academic integrity.
- Academic Standards: Setting and maintaining standards for academic performance and ensuring that faculty and programs meet those standards.
- Promote Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Foster collaboration across departments, disciplines, and external partners to enhance educational offerings.
- Student Success Initiatives: Supporting initiatives aimed at improving student success, retention, and graduation rates through curriculum design and academic support services.
- Research and Assessment: Encouraging research and evaluation of academic programs to foster continuous improvement.
(5) Membership:
SECTION I: The council shall consist of all Chairs of the Departments of CIS, and the Chair and Past Chair of the Academic Council. Each current Department Chair has one vote. Members can designate a substitute in the event they cannot attend.
SECTION II: The term of membership for each individual will be for two years and the person may be reappointed.
SECTION III: Academic Council meetings shall comply with appropriate guidelines regarding public or open meetings. Guests should notify the Chair prior to the meeting. Guest participation is allowed at the discretion of the Chair and will have no vote.
(6) Officers:
SECTION I: Officers of the Council shall be: Chair and Vice Chair, and Past Chair.
SECTION II: Terms of office shall be two years for each office.
SECTION III: The Vice Chair position shall be elected every two years. This person will act as Vice Chair for two years and serve as Chair for the following two years. The terms of the Chair and Vice Chair can be extended with the approval of the council.
SECTION IV: Elections will be held in April of even years.
SECTION V: The Chair shall preside at all meetings and is an ex-officer member of all sub-committees. The Chair will have no vote except in the case of a tie.
SECTION VI: The Chair or their designee will represent the CIS faculty to the Vice-Chancellor, CIS Campus Directors' and other entities as directed by the Academic Council.
SECTION VII: The Vice Chair will act as Chair in the absence of the Chair and when so acting, will have all the powers of the Chair. The Vice-Chair shall succeed as Chair should the office of the Chair become vacant.
SECTION VIII: The Past Chair will act as an advisor to the Council as appropriate.
SECTION IX: Secretarial support to the Council will be provided by the CIS Director of Operations or their delegate, who shall record and distribute the minutes of meetings to the Academic Council Members, within two weeks of the meeting. Copies of all records shall be maintained in the CIS office.
(7) Meetings:
SECTION I: Academic Council shall meet regularly throughout Fall and Spring semesters to accomplish the work of the council.
SECTION II: The Chair shall distribute notice of the meeting and agenda prior to the meeting. The agenda will be set by the Chair in consultation with the Vice-Chair.
SECTION III: Each voting member present shall be entitled to one vote. Voting matters shall be determined by consensus.
SECTION IV: A quorum shall consist of 51% of the committee membership.
SECTION V: The Chair may call special meetings of the council as needed. Advance notice shall be given to all members with the purpose of the meeting delineated.
SECTION VI: The Chair, with the advice and consent of the Academic Council, shall be authorized to appoint sub-committees as necessary to accomplish the purpose of the Council.